Tuesday, 20 August 2019

The bird and the bear

The bird and the bear
Intro - Once upon a time there was a little bird who was with the mother.
When the mother was gone to go get some food to eat (Crumes). When
the mother was gone the little bird fell off the nest  and started walking
the woods. 

Orientation - when the little bird was walking through the woods
the little bird saw a big bear. When the bird saw the big bear the
bear looked at the little bird then the bird ran but he\she cannot run.
So the big bear run fast to eat the bird. When the big bear was near the
little bird the little bird was tweeting for its mother to come back and
safe him\her. When the little bird was tweeting the mother of the bird
went back and safe him\her. But then the big bear took the little bird to
the big bears home. When the mother of the little bird was there
she saw the bear then the bear saw the mother of it because it has
big eyes that why the called it a big bear. Then the bird flew to the
nest and got something
and it was a rope. And when the bear went off the bird saw the little
bird dead.

Problem - The problem was that the bird of the mother was sad
because her little bird died and had nobody to stay with. So she
went through the woods and saw the bear and the
bear was happy because he had food to
eat. So the bear saw the mother of the bird there at his home to
see the bear.
so when the bear was there the bird went there and tweet at him so
she said “ why did you eat my little bird” the bird said then the
bear said “ because
I was hungry to eat your little bird” said the bear but then the bird said
“ but look
for something else to eat not my little bird ” said the bird but
then the bear said “
but he\her is dead already.

Solution - so the bear didn’t care about the bird because the little bird
was already dead. But the bird did care about the little bird so when she
saw the blood of the baby she was not impressed about the bear. But
the bear
lied to the bird because it was still alive. But the blood on the floor that
the bird is it was someone else's blood.

So the bear learn his lesson to not lie to the bird again so the bird can’t get angry.

Thursday, 15 August 2019

All about polar bear

Polar bear
Polar bears are a mammal the has live babies. A
Polar bears are well adapted to survive in one of
the harshest environments on our planet. They have
a thick fur and blubber that is fat and keep them warm.
They have clear translucent fur and black skin.

A polar bear eats a narwhal, walrus, bowhead whale beluga whale,
and a earless seal and they also eat harp. The polar bear lives with
it mum for 20-30 year then they leave the baby. A polar bear has 4
feet because it is a mammal and mammals have 4 feet just the animals
and humans have 2 feet.

These animals are the most studied group of polar bears on Earth.

All about narwhal

Narwhals are a type of whale that has no
legs and only flippers. The class that the narwhals
go to is the mammal class because they have live babies.
The narwhals often live with their mother for 500-1,000 #
during the summer season when they migrate to shallower shore waters. 

The narwhals always live their baby because they are whales that
look after their babies. Narwhals eat squid, shrimp, rockfishies,
flounder, and crabs. Narwhals migrate because narwhals spend their l
ives in the arctic water in Canada. A narwhal have a long unicorn tusk
that is up to 8.8 feet long and has two teeth. 

A narwhal have a long unicorn tusks that extends from the upper left
side. There is one way a narwhal adapt to their environment is because
their colouring. Narwhals are not mythical because they have teeth in
#their mouth but they characteristic their tusk. A narwhal is not 4 feet
or 2 feet they are 10 feet. So narwhal has spine so it means that it is a

Narwhals are not endangered, they are near threatened.

All about Arctic fox

Arctic Fox
Female foxes give birth each spring a day to a large litter of
up to 14 pups and Arctic foxes steal snow goose eggs from a nest
at a time. Both mother and father stays with the baby even their older
siblings her\him the brother and sister looks after the baby. They live
together in a den. 

A female fox is 71 to 85 cm big and a male fox is 80 to 110 big and
the biggest is the male that how fat they are and the male is skinnier
than the male. 

The Arctic fox eat birds, fish, bunny and sometimes the leftover animals
after a polar bear is finished eating. And it has white fur and a long tail.
A fox is a mammal. Many species are suffering declines in abundance and
for some extinction may not be far off.  Foxes aren’t dangerous to humans
except when they are rabid which is very rare. And the foxes class goes to
mammals and the kingdom the go to is animalia.

All about walrus


Walruses are mammals that live on the rock/ice
but they can swim in water as well. 

When all of the walrus are laying down 1 walrus start a
fight because they have no water to drink because whenever
sit on the ice to make them cold it melt because they are so hot so
that why they are warm blooded or cold blooded. Walruses don’t have
feet, they have flippers. They have big white tusks out their mouth that
they fight each other with.

A walrus is 1,000 kg fat and that how heavy they are.
One of the walruses birthday is on january and they are turning
30-20 years old. The male walruses is 3 feet tall and sharp. 

Female walruses give birth to their young calves during their
migration in the springtime. After a gestation of 15 to 16 months ,
the female will give birth to one calf. 

All about Arctic seals

A seal

So a seal has 4 flippers and it is a mammal and the
species is just Arctic Seal. Seals are vertebrates because they
are mammals and mammals have a spine and have babies. 

So a seal is a bipedal because it has 2 feet and they wiggle and
slide. A seal looks like they are just grow an adult. There are 6
things that they eat and it’s called squid, crustaceans, mollusca,
herring, flounder, and hake( fish tail). A seal is pregnant for a month
and then when they get the baby seal they will call it pup.
Seals doesn't lay eggs they have babies because they are mammals.
The baby seals live in the rockery not the nest. A seal stays with it
baby seals for a month.

Seals migrate thousands of miles road trip from their summer.  

All About The Arctic ( habitat)

The Arctic is at the top of the earth. It is
a frozen place that has no trees and made out of ice.
The countries that are in the Arctic circle is called Norway, Sweden,
Finland, Russia, the United States, and Canada.

The Arctic has 6 month of summer\lights and 6 months of winter\
The average Arctic temperature is -34 degrees C in the Arctic. It is so
that the ground is covered in ice and snow all year round. And there are
more animals that  lives in the Arctic and the animals are called polar bear,
narwhal, killer whales, reindeer, walrus, mosse, pinniped. 

And there is any insect that lives in the Arctic they are called bees, wasps,
butterflies, months, mosquitoes, flies, and south pole caddisflies. And the
lucky last polar region thing to right is north pole that there are people who
live in the Arctic and there are called Finland people, Sweden people,
Northwayn people and Northwest Russian people.

The weather at the Arctic where seals and the other animals
so the weather is -34 degrees C at Arctic. There is no rain just
snow and ice and cold at the Arctic. There are more animals but not
just seals and it's called polar bears, killer whales, narwal, walrus, reindeer,
and mosse. 

Friday, 9 August 2019

Friday, 2 August 2019

3 Haiku poem

Haiku poem
Puppys are so cute
Puppys like to
play with people
Puppies are my favorite

Cats eat fish and worm
People likes to feed cats
and play
Cats likes to catch dogs

Worms giggle all the time
People likes to touch worms
all day
Worms are so skinny

5 Acrostic poem

         Rainforest Acrostic poem
Rain falls down from the clouds
Anteaters and snakes roam
It Rains in the rainforest
Num the tree
Forest is scary
On the forest koalas live there
Rainforest is scary
Every forest has trees
Some koalas eat the tree
The koalas are adorable. 
        Tiger Acrostic poem
Tigers can bite you
It dangerous
Get angry

Enormous tiger 
Roars to people
     Dinosaurs Acrostic poem
IT hurts people’s life
Not alive
Scares people 
Angry when it wakes up
Under the open tree
Roars the globe
Stands and wait for the
person that hiding
     Deer Acrostic poem
Deers are scary
Eat fruits
Every deer is cute
Really wants to walk
    Lion Acrostic poem
Lion is the king of the jungle
It a mammal
On the cave the lions play around
Never touch the lion