Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Normal light vs led light

On Wednesday the 11th of September we have been learning about led energy.
So when had to line the first line went first so it was normal light vs led light.
So we each have a turn then we have to go write a story about it.

So when we all had a turn the next line had a turn. When I started to go to the
\ story about the normal light vs led light we were all looking at them doing the
sculling thing, so then when they all finished the all went and got their netbooks
and started to write all the things they did of the machine. So then janett came
over and sat down on the mat because she came late. So then one of the students
told janett to go and do the machine. So then when she finished the teacher sent
the pictures of her and she wrote a story about her doing the machine.

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